Spanish: Aparecerán volando las alturas círculos de luces trayendo seres extraños de otros planetas. -- Si serán los que vinieron a poblar la tierra se dirá – y se dirá bien. ¡Sí! Los que se llamaron ángeles en el antiguo testamento – o la voz de Jeová – será. Y de nuevo se les verá y se les verá y se les escuchará
English: Circles of lights will appear flying high up, bringing strange beings from other planets. (“Yes" maybe) Yes, they will be those who came to populate the earth it will be said – and it will be said well. Yes! Those who were called angels in the old testament – or the voice of Jehovah – will be. And again they will be seen and they will be seen and they will be heard
Date: 1938
This is another one regarding ETs. It’s complex and interesting, in my view.
It mentions
circles of light appear flying high up → flying saucers
bringing strange beings from other planets → ETs
Roswell was in 1947, according to Mr. Google, so this was almost ten years prior.
Yes, they will be those who came to populate the earth it will be said – and it will be said well. Yes! Those who were called angels in the old testament – or the voice of Jehovah – will be. And again they will be seen and they will be seen and they will be heard
Many things to say here according to this:
Darwin was not right.
The population was planted somehow.
These guys did it, and we hold memories of them in the old scriptures.
This goes right into Zecharia Sitchin’s views based on the Sumerian culture, and also Mauro Biglino’s literal translation of the Bible. One interesting guy who follows this line of research is Paul Wallis, who has the YT Channel The 5th Kind.
The main difference I notice is that all of these talk of abusive aliens who created humans mainly for mining operations(?), while BSP seems to think they are loving beings. This last goes in rapport to many of the present channeled information.
Cliff High says that humanity’s problem is to have Elohim denial—understanding Elohim as a plural word that describes the group of aliens that came to Earth, tampered with the local monkeys to create a new specie, and then did a couple of things they shouldn’t have done: one was to have sex with them (creating the giants, etc), the other one was to fight and get the different groups to fight each other for them (the old testament in the Bible talks a lot about this). That, on top of using beings with conscious of self as slaves, which breaks Natural Law.
So are the ETs good or bad? Possibly both. The Universe is huge.
About the image, YT brought to my feed a compilation where some parts look similar to the drawing—I don’t know how credible it is, just interesting.
The prediction says these guys will come and walk among us again. I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing. I guess it will all depend on our evolutionary state.
What do you think of this? Any info to add?
Thanks for reading.